2005 - I'm the Only Gay in the Village




with the handsome Matty







Fair Day


ARF! on Harry's bike on Harry's bike with Andy Quan look at the cute poochy getting a wash from Ricky




Philip sanding Gerrad sanding Steve & Joe making signs Kabi sewing the banner Benson & Kabi painting the banner banner


Kabi painting the banner Phil glittering Kabi glittering







pep talk group photo peek-a-boo poofs Dean blonding up Andrew Kabi blonding up Adam Gerrad


Dean's ass no trading belly laugh Daffyd #01 Dean blonding up Steve





Benson Tony David Philip Derek Kabi


kabi Kabi " cops Kabi " crowd Andrew, Dean, Kabi " Dan






group photo group photo Mark group photo Phil " Brad Andy " Joey


Kabi " Philip









group photo group photo peek-a-boo poofs Philip group photo Gerrad


Gary Derek on the BIG screen group photo Adam




with Flavio at the MG party with Peter, Thomas, Heather " Flavio end of MG party with Peter, Thomas, Heather " Flavio end of MG party







with Thomas " Flavio at ToyBox party farewell dinner for Flavio with Manfredi with Manfredi