

Bridge on the River Kweer

Jessica Rowe: "Here's how some Australian Army Engineers spend there time serving at the Loloho base in Bougainville."

Army Engineer: "Hello again shoppers. It's time for the annual Gay Mardi Gras of Loloho."

Jessica Rowe: "Gays and lesbians say it's a sinister insight into abhorrant attitudes in the military."

Rodney Croome: "Our Defence Force is obviously still deeply bigotted and still deeply prejudiced, particularly against homosexual people."

Rodney Croome: "We hear a lot about the dangers of not upgrading our military hardware. In my view there are just as many dangers in not upgrading the attitudes of our military personnel."

Here's how some Australian Army Engineers spend there time serving at the Loloho base in Bougainville.


Mardi Gras parade start area, March 3 2001
The full complement of the Bougainville Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras.
photo courtesy of Allan Vella