
FLESH: Dressed Up, Geoff and Joe

Geoof and Joe - photo by Jamie Dunbar Geoff and Joe as depicted on Mardi Gras 2002 poster
photo by Jamie Dunbar
2 Joes and 2 Geoffs

Geoff and Joe always did cloak room, they didn't know that Phil and I had mischievousness planned. We collaborated with Anthony Babicci, Shane Dunn, costumier extraordinaire and their tattooist eX de Medici.>

We turned up to cloak room to drop in our bags and surprised the life out of them. Even nailed the collar and chain... details! DETAILS!



spread 'em fat ass construction the first fatting anthony painting a fat suit anthony painting a fat suit phil working a nipple


kabi painting a nipple hung out to dry fitting the harness creating press stud detail






press those pleats a nude viking a few adjustments just slip into something more comfortable





ouch... my hair is caught resplendent nordic finery give me that chain bear sandwich






rape pillage rape and pillage snow vikings




dated: 08th October 2003